Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Cinta Rupiah di Keseharian Jaman Now

Sebagai masyarakat Indonesia kita sangat membutuhkan rupiah dalam keseharian hidup kita sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah di Indonesia, bayangkan aja mau makan pakai Rupiah, mau sekolah pakai Rupiah, mau berobat ke dokter, mau nonton di mall sama pacar juga pakai rupiah, semuanya butuh Rupiah. Begitu besarnya kita membutuhkan rupiah dalam keseharian, tapi apakah kita sudah mencintai si Rupiah ini dengan sepenuh hati? yang saya maksud cinta Rupiah bukan berarti jadi mata duitan atau jadi cewe/cowo matre ya (itu sih beda lagi bahasannya). 

Lalu mengapa sih kita harus cinta Rupiah? Karena selain sebagai  warga negara Indonesia yang baik dan keren dengan memiliki kesadaran cinta Rupiah maka secara tidak langsung kita bisa menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar Rupiah yang efeknya sangat positif untuk perekonomian Indonesia, dan juga sebaliknya apabila perekonomian membaik maka Rupiah juga akan menguat, dan kita juga yang akan menikmati keuntungannya sebagai masyarakat Indonesia.

Memang banyak faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi stabilitas nilai tukar Rupiah baik eksternal maupun internal tapi setidaknya sebagai masyarakat jaman now ada beberapa hal yang kita bisa lakukan di keseharian kita yang bisa menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar Rupiah dan menjaga  perekonomian kita.

Saya mau share nih beberapa cara mencintai Rupiah yang bisa diterapkan dalam keseharian kita :

Menjaga Fisik Rupiah Dalam Kondisi Baik

Jangan cuma kondisi fisik kita aja yang dijaga, menjaga kondisi fisik uang Rupiah juga penting untuk tetap mengenali tanda-tanda keaslian nya. 
Selain itu Rupiah yang kondisinya rusak harus di tarik oleh BI dan nantinya akan dicetak ulang dan biaya penarikan dan pencetakan ini gak murah loh, semakin banyak uang yang rusak jadi semakin besar biaya yang dikeluarkan. 
Jadi jaga kondisi fisik Rupiah kalian jangan di lipet-lipet, di remes-remes, di staples, apalagi di tulisin no HP gebetan duuh. Ikuti aja kampanye 3D dari BI yaitu Didapat, Disayang dan Disimpan, masa cantik-cantik, ganteng-ganteng uang nya lecek dan kucel sih say.

Membeli produk buatan dalam negeri 
Kerajinan gerabah di Jogja dan rotan di Cirebon
Buat kalian yang kekinian dan biasa mengkonsumsi produk buatan luar negeri/import macam tas Hernes, sepatu Yeezoy, gincu MAD, dst. Coba deh beralih ke produk dalam negeri karena selain harganya yang lebih murah, kita bisa membantu pengusaha lokal dan kualitas produk buatan Indonesia juga ngga kalah bagus dengan buatan luar negeri. Konsumsi produk dalam negeri berhubungan dengan stabilitas Rupiah dikarenakan dengan semakin banyaknya uang beredar di dalam negeri maka pertumbuhan ekonomi akan semakin meningkat. Atau kalau kalian pemilik usaha, kalian bisa mempertimbangkan menggunakan bahan baku lokal, apalagi kalau produk kalian bisa menembus pasar ekspor bisa menjadi pemasukan devisa untuk negara kita. 

Berwisata di dalam Negeri 
Wisata di Jawa Tengah dari gunung sampai ke pantai
Ini merupakan cara favorit saya, buat kalian yang seperti saya doyan jalan-jalan dan piknik, daripada kita liburan ke luar negeri dan menjadi penyumbang devisa untuk negara lain lebih baik kita berlibur di negara kita tercinta yang tempat wisatanya ngga kalah seru dan ngga kalah indah dibanding negara lain. Selain itu berlibur di dalam negeri membawa beberapa keuntungan karena biayanya lebih hemat pastinya, kita juga ngga perlu repot bikin passport, visa dan menukar Rupiah ke mara uang lain, dan juga bisa meningkatkan ekonomi lokal di daerah tempat kita berwisata. Bahkan pemerintah Indonesia memperkirakan pada tahun 2019 sektor pariwisata menjadi penyumbang utama devisa dengan target 20 milliar dollar AS. Jadi jangan lupa foto-foto liburan kalian di buat viral di media sosial supaya bule-bule makin banyak yang liburan ke Indonesia jadi tambahan devisa pastinya.

Berinvestasi di Dalam Negeri

Bagi kalian yang mempunyai dana lebih dan ingin mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan daripada berinvestasi di luar negeri atau berinvestasi di valuta asing lebih baik berinvestasi di dalam negeri dalam bentuk Rupiah pastinya. Karena selain bisa mendapat keuntungan, saat investasi dalam negeri meningkat maka nilai tukar Rupiah akan mengalami apresiasi, hal ini disebabkan karena tingginya investasi akan mendorong tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Banyak pilihan investasi jaman now di sektor riil dan finansial yang bisa kalian pilih contohnya; deposito, DPLK/dana pensiun, reksadana, Obligasi Retail Indonesia, logam mulia, dan properti. Sesuaikan produk investasi kamu dengan kebutuhan dan gaya investasi kamu, mulai lah selagi masih muda supaya hasilnya lebih maksimal.

Jadi tunggu apalagi sis, bro? Ayo cintai Rupiah kita dari sekarang, kalau bukan kita siapa lagi dan kalau bukan sekarang kapan lagi.

Note : Semua foto koleksi pribadi

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bandung Getaway

Bandung is always been my favorite holiday destination as many others millions Jakarta citizens, the city is just 2 hours away from Jakarta, with cool and breezy weather, a lot of attractive tourist spots, and zillions of mouthwatering culinary places and not to mention the culture and the hospitality of Sundanese people making Bandung always packed with tourist from Jakarta and all over Indonesia.

With that note we tried to avoid visiting Bandung during the weekends and other public holidays, because the traffic is absolutely horrible. Luckly we were able to go there during weekdays because my hubby is on a leave, here are some highlights of our trip to Bandung.

Where do we stay?

Since we were visiting Lembang which located on the west side of Bandung known for its beautiful scenery with lush green and mountains. So we were staying at Green Forest Resort for two nights, which located in Lembang and just 5 min away to Kampung Gajah Wonderland.

waking up to this view

This actually my second time staying in this hotel, I guess what attracted me to choose this hotel is because its beautiful nature surrounding and landscape, this place is also quite and calming just perfect if you want to get away from the noisy and hectic life of big city.

The swimming pool is not very big with 100 cm depth, I guess it's good for children but not so much for adults but the view is amazing very instagramable. As for the breakfast spread is just decent not very much variety but will keep you full until your next meal.

Where do we go?

The first spot that we go is Floating Market Lembang, the entrance ticket is only 15K IDR per person and you get a free welcome drink. The concept of this place is some kind of food market where the vendors are selling their products in a small boat around the lake, there's water rides to enjoy, parks and some fun rides for children. Me and my husband love their water rides we tried the water train and water cycle it was quite fun, the food is quite good with many variety of traditional and western and the price is also very affordable.

The next day we were visiting The Farm House Lembang I would called this place "mini Europe in Bandung" because it present gardens, cafes and little shop with European style. This place is simply charming and adorable, They have mini farm where children can feed the animals such as rabbit, sheep, cow, birds and many others, and they even have the imitation of Hobbit Town like the one in New Zealand, so many lovely spot to take pictures. Just like in Floating market you can exchange your entrance ticket here for a cup of fresh milk or a sausage.

What do we eat?

Did I mention that Bandung is heaven for food lovers, well it's absolutely true. We had lunch at Kampung Daun this place served traditional sundanese cuisine and what make this place special is they accentuate the beauty of nature with their landscape and mini waterfall so you can hear the water streaming. The guest can enjoy their meal in saung a traditional gazebo made from bamboo, we're lucky that they put us on a saung facing the mini waterfall and it so romantic.

view from our table aahh
Nasi Liwet, Bajigur and Teh Poci
I have visited Bandung quite many times but this surely won't be the last, each trip was so special and still so many new places to explore. So do you ever been to Bandung, tell me how was your trip?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

My DIY Anti Aging Facial Mask

As women we're always wanted to look our best no matter what age we are in, now that I'm in my early 30's (Gosh... how time flies) some aging signs are starting to show up on my face; dry skin, discoloration, dark spot and some fine line around the eyes area... and it sucks!? I'm sorry but it does, but there's no use in complaining.

So what I'm gonna do is first ..... trying to accept and embrace my aging process (it's not easy but it will make you feel better about yourself), then trying to stay out of the Sun as much as possible since I'm living in tropical country the ultraviolet ray can get really high at noon, I mean 1000 degree crazy high!.

Next I try to search the suitable anti aging skin care for me, as we know that good anti aging skin care out there are not cheap and when it doesn't suit me it makes my face breakouts damn adult acne, which is weird because I never had pimples during my puberty until my late 20's. And now in process of searching the right skin care I’m interested to try some DIY facial mask on the internet and there are zillions (some works, some don't). I love it because they were supposed to be natural and chemical free and the best thing is I already have some of the ingredients in my pantry.

I would like to share with you my favorite DIY Facial mask that really works for me and doesn't make my skin breakouts...Thank Goodness!!

Ingredients :
  • 2 table spoon of Honey
Honey is full of antioxidants which is great for slowing down aging on your skin, and it’s a good natural moisturizer I recommend that you invest in a good quality of honey for best result.
  • 2 table spoon of Lemon
Lemon is rich with nutrients, and on your face it has so many beauty benefit, such as lightening dark spots, lightening  skin complexion, evening out skin tone, removing oil and blemish.
  • 1 capsule of Vitamin E
We all know that Vitamin E is good for our skin, it protects our skin against free radicals and other environmental damaging effects,  It treats wrinkles by boosting collagen production, and it also moisture your skin. I used Nutrimax 400IU Vit E you can used any brands in your local drugstore.

How to apply :

Pull all back all your hair and wash your face with warm water to open up your pores, then mixed all the ingredients in small bowl then apply it all over your face and neck with your mask brush, I’d like to apply it twice since the consistency is very liquidy. After that just sit back continue on your reading or watch your favorite show for about 30 minutes. After a good 30 minutes wash your face with clean water and dry it with towel, you will feel the difference after the first time. 

I can see my face is brighter and glowing, my skin feel soft and firms, when I had pimples it also dries and diminish them. I just simply love it and it’s also very simple.

You may notice some leftover mask, restore it on lid container and keep it on your fridge to use it next time, keep it for two weeks after that you should make a new mixture just to keep it fresh, I recommend to use this mask twice a week.

I hope it works great on you as it is on me, have fun trying it and don’t forget to always feel good about yourself.

Monday, January 26, 2015

What I Ate Sunday

We had breakfast in bed on Sunday morning, I try to prepare something simple yet healthy some kiwi's and red dragon fruits with non fat milk. Here's what it looked like just look at their vibrant beautiful colors rich of anti oxidants. My husband loved red dragon fruit, it's very juicy and since they were currently in season we always had them in our fridge.

Fresh fruits are the best!

One of my office friend gave me 2 kg of shredded Mozzarella cheese I keep figuring out ways to do with them. For lunch I try to cooked my favorite dish inspired from Hong Kong Cafe baked rice, this is my own version of the dish; I made fried rice with chicken, sweet corn and green vegetables (Kai choi) and then I put some mozzarella cheese on top and baked it until it melted and golden brown. It taste quite good actually.

Melted cheese yaay

The rain wont stop pouring on Sunday makes a good reason for me to take 3 hours of glorious nap, after I woke up it was already 6 PM  and I crave for hot soupy meal. So I take a quick shower and we drove to a hawker food center called Bintaro nine walk which took 20 mins drive from our home. It's one of our favorite eating spot on weekends a lot of food to choose from local and International such as sushi, dim sum, steak, Indian meal, seafood and lots of other. We decided to try a new Suki place for diner, Suki is one of our favorite hot pot dish we never get tired of this Thailand cuisine and it's a perfect meal on this rainy cold weather.

Loved the broth very spicy and refreshing.

How about you, what are you and your family favorite meal for the weekend? I love to heart them...

Monday, November 10, 2014

My DIY Repainted Desk

DIY project is one of the thing that excite me and daunting me as well, I love to make plans of DIY but never actually finished it (procrastination is my middle name). So when I finally finish this simple repainting desk I felt so liberating somehow almost felt like when I paid off my soft loan from the bank. So here ladies and gentleman the big reveal of my desk.

I got this desk from my Mom's house it's a 12 year old desk with good quality of wood. I used to used it as a TV stand on my room when I still lived with my parents. This is what it looks like on our garage after sanding and filling in all the cracks, my dear husband help me with it.

I love pastel color so I choose this purple, not exactly what I have in mind because they don't have tinting machine for wood paint and only available in glossy but I think it still look cute though. This is what it looks like on our living room after I put two layers of paint and let it dry for 5 - 6 hours. Honestly I don't know why they made it look so neat and tidy on Youtube tutorial, when I finished this I got paint almost all over me, and that's the fun part. Hopefully this is not the end of my DIY, just stay tune folks.

Have a nice day ^^

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sunday Morning French Toast

I love Sunday morning even the sound of it makes me smile. I love that we can woke up late and cuddle in bed for as long as we want, and after that I made a lovely french toast for breakfast. It's a simple recipe but guarantee will make your morning even sweeter. 

Ingredients :

  1. whole wheat bread (a day or two day old)
  2. an egg
  3. a cup of milk
  4. hazel nut spread/ nuttela
  5. a tea spoon of cinnamon
  6. two spoon honey
  7. fresh fruit
Directions :

Whisk the egg and milk, add cinnamon whisk again until it's mixed evenly. Spread the hazelnut/ nuttela on your bread put another bread on top of the spread and then cut in to half triangle. Dunk in to the milk mixture each side and then cook on a non sticky skillet on low heat. Cook until it's golden brown serve with some fresh fruit and drizzled with honey. Enjoy ^^

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bali With My Girls - Day 1

This is one of my holiday post, I'm really excited about this trip because I got to experienced it with my girl friends which I haven't been done in such a long time. We've decided to go to Bali, I mean Bali is always a good idea and you'll never get tired of it. I pretty much planned the whole trip since it's my favorite thing to do, I booked the flight, hotel, rented the car and planned for our itinerary. 

On our first day we went to Tanah Lot temple. Tanah Lot means "Land in the Sea" in the Balinese language. The temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide. Unfortunately Tanah Lot was very crowded that day with tourist mostly local and korean, the Sun is not very friendly so hot since we got there on the middle of the day so we didn't spend a lot time there. After getting some iced tea blended at the local shop we continued our trip to one of the hip place in Bali. 

Hot sunny day still manage to hold a pose

Since my last time in Bali on my honey moon in 2011, there's a lot new cool places spreading around Bali and what better ways to visit them other than with your friends. We went to Vue Beach Club located inside LV8 Resort in Canggu area, I booked a cabana by the pool for us to hang out. The place was amazing I really love their white and blue design very chic and clean, the beach is simply breath taking. I'm just gonna let some of my pics do the talking. We're really enjoyed spending the rest of the day here it's so quiet and relaxing, far away from hectic life in Jakarta.

We also had our lunch, loved their drinks so refreshing
The pool and the beach side by side
Don't get tired of my pose, yet!
After visited Vue beach club we headed to our hotel at Seminyak Townhouse to check in and get ready for our next destination. I really recommend this hotel when you're travelling with group of friends or family, it's a townhouse with two stories building, there's two rooms each with inside bathroom on the second floor. On first floor there's a living room and pantry equipt with some basic cooking utilities and dining ware and of course dining table set to enjoy meal together.